Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We went to the "Boston Tea Party" In Kansas City for a rally. There were a lot of good speakers. And we ahd a good Crowd of 5,000 People! Here are some different signs people had. If you like the picture, and want it, you can right click on the picture and click SAVE AS. Then when a second Window pops up click Save.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The New Tractor

Our Grandpa ( Doug Laux ) just recently bought a new tractor. And during the past week we have had a lot of fun with it! Here are some of the shots I took. Hope you enjoy them!

I think this pic. is way better than a tractor!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Cow Farm!

As you may know we live in the Country. ( Sort of ) And down the road form us there is a nice lady that milks cows named Erica. Well it just so happened that during that time we were looking for a supplier of raw milk we met her, and we started buying milk from her. Well, she is very nice, and she let's come to her farm when ever we need to for Home School Trips. I found a few pics so I hope you guys enjoy!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Royals VS Cardinals

In June we went to the Cardinals game, well actually it was at the Royal's Stadium but we were still cheering for the Cards! Even though they lost 7 - 2 we still had a great time! ( even though andrew was at camp )

( Left to right )

Kira, Grandma, Ethan, and Grandpa

Good Looking Bunch!

Look at that Smile!